"We're working proactively to address this as quickly as possible."
No, Sir. You cannot address an event proactively after it has happened. That is working REactively and is technically called a CORRECTION.
You can, and should, work proactively to prevent that exact same event recurring on that or any other vessel of the Canadian Navy. Technically, this is known as CORRECTIVE ACTION. If you decide that it was human error (as opposed to sabotage or bloody-mindedness which is deliberate,) then you have to ask, "What was missing in our procedures that allowed this human error to occur?" ...and then change the operational procedures accordingly. That would be the corrective action.
The fault is not with the seaman who screwed up, but with naval command who let that screw-up happen.
If this has never happened in a foreign navy but they, hearing about the Canadian debacle review their operational procedures and make changes to prevent such a thing happening in their navy, that is working proactively and is technically known as PREVENTIVE ACTION.
Photo: cbc.ca |