As an
Executive Director, or as Chairman of the Board, or Coordinator for Continuous
Quality Improvement, or a member of the Quality Committee, or just a staff
member with the good of our residents at heart - am I concerned with the number
of Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC ) inspections for complaintsand critical incidents? If this is an area for concern then one or more of
three things is probably not happening as well as they should:

Are we monitoring
effectively? Assuming that we actually do measure those KPIs, are we reporting
them in an accountable manner to the right people who are best positioned to
effect change – change in our processes and change in our culture? Managers and
others in positions of responsibility who are not being fed the information
they need to do their job need to report this as a concern up the management
chain. Without KPIs you are flying blind.
Are we managing
efficiently and effectively? Assuming that we are reliably measuring and
monitoring KPIs, are the process owners and managers sufficiently trained,
mandated, empowered, resourced and accountable to take the actions necessary to
enhance the Quality Management System (QMS) and foster a culture of quality to
prevent the bad stuff happening? If not, that is fodder for a KPI in itself and
needs to be reported as a resourcing issue to senior management. Managers and
others in positions of responsibility who feel they need training need to do
whatever it takes to get it; if your department is at risk for non-compliance
because you are lacking resources then that needs to be reported, repeatedly if
What do
you think? Let's have a discussion.
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