Whether or not they have any kind of ISO certification, there cannot be many mature organizations with sustained success which have not taken the trouble to identify and document in some manner the external and internal issues relevant to their purpose prior to formulating or reviewing their strategies and objectives. How else can you develop a strategy? The same motivation applies to identifying "interested parties". For such organizations, meeting the requirements of 4.1 and 4.2 will be a piece of cake: they will already have the evidence documented somehow, somewhere - probably in their business plan.
Issues and Interests |
For organizations with less mature strategic plans this will be an opportunity to develop their business strategy. The prior question to ask is, "What information do we need as input to develop a three or five year strategy?" It is up to the organization to decide who the parties are with an interest in their product or service and what the issues are that need to be taken into account. It doesn't matter where and how they retain the evidence that they weighed and decided these things, just so long as they can show the evidence when asked. The Standard does not stipulate. Do it in the most effective and efficient manner to the degree it has value for the organization, not because it is an ISO requirement. Then the requirement will be met. Voila!
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